We also have camping gear, kitchen stuff, books, chairs, pillows, sleeping bags, etc. - all we think we'll need for life on the road. The van is a lot bigger than the backpacks we've taken on previous long trips, and the amount of stuff we can pack seems really luxurious. I mean, we're bringing olive oil, and
The paperwork is lagging behind the packing, of course. We have most of what we need, but are waiting on car insurance. And we still have to close the deal on the house. Oh, and get traveller's cheques. And health insurance. And visas for 3 countries...
We'll post a final packing list, as well as a final paperwork/to-do list before we take off. This trip took a lot of planning, and we learned a lot from other blogs we read, and we'd like to return the favor. We learned a lot about what not to leave to the last minute (what, procrastinate? us? never!!).
Keep your fingers crossed for us that we packed enough pairs of wooly socks (says the Canadian). Likely when we write next, we will be living in the van...
1 comment:
Will it all fit?
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